Plainville Christ Church Music Concert Series!
Plainville Christ Church 752 W. Genesee St, Plainville, NYMerry Mischief plays from 4-5pm here this day. Come for a free concert!
Merlyn Fuller is a theatrical musician based in Central New York capable of doing many themes and events
Merry Mischief plays from 4-5pm here this day. Come for a free concert!
Merry Mischief Bawdy Ballads tonight while you get registered and settled in for the Rochester Erotic Arts Festival!
Pirate Stories and Songs from Merlyn Mischief and her latest book "Up Yer Knicker Leg!"
Merry Mischief is back again at this amazing event for the kids as we do our "Ren Revelry" show! This will be Merlyn's 16th year here doing these assemblies! Huzzah!
Merlyn Mischief and Greenway the Minstrel play once again here for school assemblies for this very fun day of history at the school!